What: Handmade notecards, featuring photographs taken in Uganda, East Africa. The proceeds benefit Lingira Living Hope Secondary School in southern Uganda.
Why: In Luganda "suubi" means "hope." At times, hope can seem out of reach for the islanders of Lake Victoria, in southern Uganda. And for the young people of this area, whose hope should be the brightest, at times their horizons are quite dark. Poverty, sickness, HIV/AIDS, spiritual strongholds, defilement and more are far too prevalent on the islands. And education is not a right, it is a privilege.
"Hope for Transformation" is the vision of Lingira Living Hope Secondary School (LLHSS), a high school found on Lingira Island, where I am serving as a missionary. LLHSS is only the second secondary (high) school found in the 52-island Buvuma Island chain.
The idea for a secondary school on Lingira was discussed in December 2005 and within a short time - on February 6, 2006, the school was opened. It is the hope and prayer of those involved with LLHSS that its students will leave changed people and will then be instruments of change and transformation in their home areas and throughout Uganda.
Lingira Living Hope today.
In its five years of operation, God has miraculously provided for the secondary school, providing funding, staff, students and more. But, the needs are still great.
Right now the school is in the process of replacing temporary mud structures, like ones used for dorms and staff housing, with brick and concrete buildings. This is a huge financial undertaking and the school barely covers its expenses. More housing is needed for the school to grow, but more students are needed to help underwrite such efforts - a "Catch 22."
My vision is to sell the notecards to raise money for the building projects at LLHSS, and also increase awareness of the school, the islands and Uganda.
The cards are sold in sets of 10 for $8 each, with eight different sets available - two different animals sets, a cloud one, a flowers one and four different scenic sets. Note: All photographs were taken by me in Uganda. Shipping is $2 per order. To order, send me an e-mail at reporterruthie@yahoo.com or call 503 728-2484. Special orders will be taken if you particularly like one, two or three images.
The following collages represent the photos in each set.