Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Ever since I did my "Perspectives" course almost a year ago, I have loved the idea that God blessed us...to make us a blessing.

"I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing." - Genesis 12:2

God verbalized that promise to his servant Abraham in Genesis and set off a generational chain of events that is continuing today. God did bless and multiply the physical descendents of Abraham, but more importantly He did so through the rich spiritual inheritance in Christ, in which everyone can partake of the blessings.

This means the Gospel does not stop with you or I - it is a gift that keeps on giving. Because thousands before us moved with the conviction that they were to pass on the blessings of salvation, we are here today.

This morning I sat in the chapel service at the Bible school where Leah works. As the students and staff prepare for Thanksgiving in just a couple of days, there is an excitement in the year. Yet, it is more than an eagerness to load up on the turkey and pumpkin pie.

Pastor Theresa, the school president, exhorted the students who will be going home for the holiday to serve their families. "Don't preach, serve."

More than a dozen students remained after the service to sign up to do outreach and show practical love on Thanksgiving Day to residents of New York's Staten Island, people who are still recovering from Storm Sandy.

It is wonderful to count our blessings and to say a heartfelt thank you to the Giver of all good gifts, especially on this national holiday. But hopefully that gratitude motivates us...To perpetuate the blessing. 

Many in our world don't know the Blessing-Giver. They haven't been introduced to His amazing and sacrificial love. It may be the African child across the world or it may be a hurting individual down the road, but all need to partake of the Divine Blessing. 

Blessings lose their life, their savor, if they stop. Like a mountain stream must continue to run to perpetuate life, God means for us to enjoy our blessings, but then to carry them on, pass them on, spread them about. People need to see Christ in practical ways, by extending a hand, giving a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on.

How have you been blessed?

How can you perpetuate the blessing?

(*"Perspectives on the World Christian Movement" is an excellent course presenting God's missional heart and His work with, for and through His people for the last several thousand years. Visit www.perspectives.org for more information.)

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